This research is about an Arduino-based robotic car that can assist in
product transfer in warehouses.
In a robotic car, real problem detection and obstacle avoidance are major concerns. In this learning, the application and design of a robotic car about software, hardware, and communication environments that reveal and avoid obstacles in real-time are presented. Arduino platform, Bluetooth technology and android application have been applied in the execution of the structure. In this research, a robotic car application and a design implementing sensor coding on a platform are proposed. This robotic tool was created by the communication of Android-based tools (Mishi et al., 2016). It aims to accelerate the transportation of products in Arduino-based cars, cargo, and shopping warehouses and to reduce the cost by making it more effortless.
Important project insights
It is very useful for research, cargo, and next-generation shopping warehouses. This robotic car has some benefits that should make a huge impact on companies. Every part of worker cost and occupational accident probability is affected by robotic technology. Robotics can positively change lives and work practices, increase productivity and levels of protection and provide improved service levels. All vehicle operating functions are under Arduino-based system control. It can realize the targets with the line tracking system on the given route. In such conditions, the car can perform all safety-critical tasks.
Arduino-based robotic cars use electricity because fossil fuels make them harder to run. There will be a few works produced from new technologies in the creation of the new infrastructure needed to charge electric batteries, and so on. This will also mean moving fossil fuels to a less polluting, lower carbon emission energy source and reducing the impact of global warming. In this article, the researcher demonstrated that there are many reasons why Arduino-based robotic cars accept a future for companies.
Arduino-based cars will also offer innovators the ability to produce goods for a completely different market, thus opening up the possibility to reduce the cost of work and improve product quality. Will be able to avoid human-induced errors for any reason. With the increase in the amount of load that can be carried, the density will be balanced by reducing the number of trips made. When Arduino-based vehicles can be connected, there is likely to be a reduction in in-warehouse traffic delays so they can find the best way to minimize congestion. This will be good for the environment as less waste will be generated. This is the reason why the researcher chose this topic.
Experimental Overview
Robotic cars should prevent human errors from getting involved. Not just like people prone to cuts, it left little opportunity for deviation. It also uses sophisticated procedures that evaluate the appropriate speed from one vehicle to another to stop. In this method, injury hazards and occupational accidents are significantly reduced. This provides an integrated movement system that can significantly reduce congestion and increase traffic by increasing lane capacity (Babu et al., 2017). Self-contained cars work well with each other.
On the other hand, Arduino based robotic car suffers from some difficulties that can negatively affect society. Since this tool constantly records and monitors the customer’s data, it could be the next big target of hackers. This may contribute to the future collection of personal data. Robotic tools prepare large sums of cash for design and technology and when choosing the best and most practical resources required, such as software, modified vehicle parts, and sensors. Arduino is popular due to its large user base, low price, widespread availability, comprehensive complete set of addresses, free tools for creation, and serial programming capabilities. The microcontroller is collected from the sensor unit and compared with the setpoint and transferred to the CPU with real results. The heart of the safety robot is the microcontroller. In this scenario, when the user enters any touched button in the program and gives voice commands, the corresponding signal will be sent to Arduino Uno (Wagner et al., 2018). After receiving the signal, the Arduino will test it against its predefined directions for back, left, right and brake. The vehicle will use planned road lines to carry out assignments. The plan has several rewards, some of which are discussed below:
- The Arduino-based robotic vehicles can perform tasks above people’s physical strength. In the event of a possible disaster, it causes only material damage.
- It can be applied to move and place small objects.
- It can move in smaller spaces.
Research evaluation
ATMEGA328-PU microcontroller is used in the ATMEL microcontroller family. Arduino is popular due to its large user base, low cost, wide availability, a comprehensive set of application notes, free tools for creation, and serial programming capabilities. The parameters of the microcontroller are collected from the sensor and compared with the baseline and transferred to the CPU with real results. The heart of the safety robot is the microcontroller. With the help of sensors mounted on the front of the vehicle, an automatic obstacle detection system is implemented to increase safety measurements to prevent any danger. The proposed structures, experimental data, a laboratory-scale prototype were developed to verify efficiency and precision. The experimental results show that the proposed study is very easy to use and all-in-one functionality (a hand gesture, touch buttons and speaking with the mobile application, obstacle detectors) can be easily installed on a simple circuit board (Mishi et al., 2017). The researcher states that the proposed systems can be implemented on a large scale in the future under real conditions, which will help vehicles and robotic systems.
Observation and reflection
One such method involves the use of certain materials with permeable thread sewn onto fabric to provide the necessary electronic components. The hardware of the robotic control system consists of a controller prepared with a Bluetooth communication unit. It will be connected to the engines and other alternative mechanisms of the car. When the robot application is opened and connected to the existing structure via Bluetooth, the vehicle will be operated by providing wireless orders from the application using previously coded functions in the application. The programming director of the application is converted into digital displays with a Bluetooth RF source for a range suitable for the robot (about 80-120 meters). At the receiver end, the figures are interpreted by the receiver and fed to the controller, which determines the DC motors for the required operation.
The purpose of the Arduino-based Robotic Tool is to fulfill the mandatory task by hearing the operator’s commands. In order for the robot to be processed smoothly, an introductory session is requested by the operator in advance. Similarly, a code is applied to command the controller (Taha & Marhoon, 2018). This establishes the communication relationship between humanity and technology. This effort is to raise all the security to the robot and streamline the tracking mechanism. The decision is to implement an Arduino-based structure as a Smart Assistant to perform frequent tasks or facilities for a task. This robot has been specially designed for this situation as its main commitment is to deliver products.
The project has a wide variety of applications such as shopping and cargo businesses. These projects have been instrumental in implementing a simple Arduino-controlled robotic vehicle model that implements existing features. This plan is easy to implement, so this robot is valuable for the human life cycle.
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Kurebwa, J. G., & Mushiri, T. (2019). Internet of things architecture for a smart passenger-car robotic first aid system. Procedia Manufacturing, 35, 27-34. https://10.1016/j.promfg.2019.05.006
Mishi, M. R., Bibi, R., & Ahsan, T. (2017, February). Multiple motion control system of robotic car based on IoT to produce cloud service. In 2017 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE) (pp. 748-751). https://10.1109/ECACE.2017.7913002
Taha, I. A., & Marhoon, H. M. (2018). Implementation of controlled robot for fire detection and extinguish to closed areas based on Arduino. Telkomnika, 16(2), 654-664. https://10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v16i2.8197
Wagner, A. R., Borenstein, J., & Howard, A. (2018). Overtrust in the robotic age. Communications of the ACM, 61(9), 22-24. https://10.1145/3241365