REMIND ME: A Personal Assistant Chatbot for Dementia Patients

“Technology will be your companion in refreshing your lost memory” Premise Experimenting with low-code environments on how to create an interactive and empathetic assistant chatbot for people with Dementia.  Synopsis  Dementia is associated with memory loss and patients can’t remember a lot of things including their family members as well as doing their daily tasks […]

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Watch out – fake news !

Watch out – fake news ! PREMISE Creating an interactive storytelling project thanks to which everyone can experience the power of fake news and learn new things about it. SYNOPSIS The time of spreading information, especially by the big sources is incredibly fast. Unfortunately justifying the wrong facts is a more complicated process and usually […]

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Gender Discriminatory Speech In Our Daily Life

PREMISE Online gender discriminatory speech: See it, Name it, Visualize it.   SYNOPSIS The majority of women experience gender discriminatory speech in tRddddheir daily lives, both online and offline. Previous research has shown that gender discrimination is not a harmless annoyance, but a serious problem with negative psychological effects and physical disturbances (Swim and Campbell, […]

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Moody: Child Anxiety Monitor

Premise: Creating an object that signals to caregivers when a child is experiencing high levels of emotional distress. Synopsis:  As someone who spent ten years teaching young people to use art for self expression, I care deeply about the emotional wellbeing of young people. The most vulnerable children may be those who are too young […]

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Emotional BookBot

Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it. Premise Creating a shopping assistant chatbot that will recognize the emotions of Millenials and will recommend books based on the 5 Basic Emotions. Synopsis While shopping online I noticed how difficult it is to […]

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A chatbot for community building

To the user, chatbots seem to be “intelligent” due to their informative skills. However, chatbots are only as intelligent as the underlying database. – Peter Gentsch  Premise Training a Dyadic chatbot as a community member in Python to interact with the African Diaspora with the right tone of voice. Synopsis After working for several years […]

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