Developing an Adaptive, Assistive Environment Awareness tool for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Group


Using acoustic event detection and convoluted neural networks to develop an optionally isolated,  adaptive,  assistive environment awareness system for the deaf and hard of hearing group utilizing haptic notifications on a smartphone and/or smartwatch.



Sound occurring in our environment gives us details that provide us with situational awareness. Individuals who have auditory impairment lack this ability to infer environmental awareness from sound cues. Assistive technologies such as sound recognition applications implementing machine learning bridge this gap. There are existing assistive sound recognition applications out there, but users think that it is too generic and lacks accuracy that they eventually become disinterested. We tackle this issue by creating a sound recognition application that has in-app customization functionality. The application provides the ability to let users add sound recordings from their environment essentially customizing our machine learning model for their locations. This data input from users enables our machine learning model to adapt more to the user’s environment making it more useable and practical for the user.


Sounds as Environmental Cues

Sounds are typically cues that provide information on what is happening in your environment. A ringing fire alarm may indicate burning food (or a real fire), a dog barking might imply that somebody is in the vicinity of your house, or a car blaring their horn loudly maybe a warning that you are walking too close to the main road. Without sound cues, they are unable to infer environmental awareness, and this may pose safety risks. Hence the development of an assistive application that would translate acoustic events to haptic feedback for hearing impaired individuals makes sense not only because this would help users obtain environmental awareness, but it may improve their quality of life.

Deaf Culture

The World Health Organization in 2021 estimates that about 5% of the current world population has disabling hearing loss (World Health Organization, 2021). Within this group of people is a deaf and hard of hearing (DHOH) culture that is complex. Customarily, “deaf” refers to an individual that has an absence of hearing, while “Deaf” is an individual that associates himself or herself as part of the deaf community (Luey et al., 1995). Membership in the deaf community is not dictated by one’s level of hearing loss but by one’s self-definition of deafness (Luey et al., 1995). People who consider themselves a member of the “Deaf” community do not consider deafness as a disability but as an alternate lifestyle (Luey et al., 1995). While those “deaf” or hard of hearing do not associate themselves as members of any community and choose to relate with either hearing or d/Deaf individuals (Jain et al., 2022). These preferences may influence the adaptation of any assistive technology. Those associating themselves with the “Deaf” community are less likely to adopt any assistive technology compared to those who think of themselves as “deaf” or hard of hearing.

Planned solution

This project will try to create an adaptive, user-centric complementary assistive system that will help those with auditory impairment to be aware of their environment by notifying them of the occurrence of sound in their environment. The system will utilise technologies such as acoustic event detection by machine learning, smartphone/smart wearable technology, and haptic feedback.

The core of the assistive application is the environmental sound recognition algorithm that is employed via a convoluted neural network model which will classify input sounds and determine the sound event that occurred or the object that made the sound. In this endeavor, we proposition our Adaptive Assistive Environment Awareness Application or AEA, a mobile application using a client-server architecture that provides complementary environmental awareness through haptic feedback on an Android smartphone or an optional paired Android Wear SmartWatch. AEA is customizable where users can customize recognizable sounds by adding their sound samples and retraining the model on-device. Privacy and security are assured as the inference and retraining are done on-device. AEA will leverage the pre-design surveys done by Sicong et al. (2017) and Jain et al., (2022) and will focus on the design and functionality of the application. This application will also focus on the following goals:

  1. Efficiency – obtain the fastest classification processing
  2. Responsive – low latency notification delivery from application to a smartwatch
  3. Privacy – no user data outside of the user’s smartphone
  4. Customizability – user can optionally add custom sound data and labels, and retrain the model for the identification of sound cues at personal locations.

Figure 1. High-level description of the AEA System

Figure 2. AEA Application System Prototype. Demonstration of the AEA Mobile System Functionality


Figure 3.  Smartwatch Prototype


Related Studies

Environment Awareness Needs

To date, there have been determinative studies made towards assistive technology for sound awareness for the DHOH group ranging from visual aids/screens to smartphone/wearable applications. Large-scale surveys done by Bragg et al., (2016) and Findlater et al., (2019) show hard-of-hearing individuals are more interested in a sound awareness notification application than “d/Deaf” individuals. For the hard of hearing and “deaf” individuals, the assistive technology chosen for use depends on the level of hearing loss (Jain et al., 2020). Surveys from previous studies concluded the following:

  • Jain et al (2022) survey of 472 DHOH respondents
    • 81% are concerned about system accuracy
    • 33% felt that sound recognition is too generic
    • 73% of weekly/daily assistive users are interested in recording their sounds to the system for their use.
  • Matthews et al. (2007), Bragg et al., (2016), and Findlater et al. (2019)
    • sounds of interest are: human presence, urgent sounds such as appliance sounds (such as microwave beeps, faucets dripping, boiling water, gas hissing), doorbells, door knocks, dogs barking.
    • Urgent sounds outside: sirens, gunshots, approaching vehicles, or persons
    • preferred modalities: smartwatch and smartphone
    • context/location preference: home and out of home

Acoustic Event Detection and Classification (AEDC) algorithms generally use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNN), combining CNN as the representation learning front-end and a temporal modeling recurrent layer (Abeßer, 2020). This algorithm is commonly used as AEDC’s emphasis is accurate recognition of the occurrence of a sound. However, recent studies show promising adaptation of MobileNetV2 and VGG16 algorithms in AEDC. MobileNetV2 is tailored for mobile and resource-constrained settings (Sandler et al., 2019) which is our target device implementation. We will test both MobileNetV2 and VGG16 on our sound recognition implementation and chose the best-performing architecture.

For our implementation, we will leverage the Ubicoustics approach for creating our dataset from professional sound effect libraries (Laput et al., 2018). Classification tasks are inferred in the cloud/machine as well, requiring data connectivity and transfer of data from client (smartphone) to server (cloud/local machine). This poses security and privacy issues with DHOH users as was raised by users with previous implementations (Jain et al., 2020). With the release of TensorFlow lite from Google, it is now possible to convert any TensorFlow model to TensorFlow lite and run inference on-device, as well as in-device training.


Figure 4. Overview of Ubicoustics featuring VGG16 model


Figure 5. Overview of ProtoSound featuring MobileNetV2 model



A focus group of 10 respondents from the DHOH group has been formed to conduct a usability on the prototype. The respondents are all female,  between 18 to 50 years old, from the Philippines and the Netherlands, and mostly students with half of them extremely confident in working with software applications. The respondents mostly have profound (50%) and moderate (30%) hearing loss but prefers spoken language (60% spoken, 40% sign language) as their primary mode of communication. Majority (60%) does not use any assistive technology but 2 of our respondents use hearing aids, 1 use cochlear implant. However, users are mostly willing to use a new sound recognition assistive technology .


Figure 6. Demographics of respondents


Figure 7. Confidence level of respondents


Figure 8. Respondents opinion on using a new assistive sound recognition technology


Figure 9. Respondents opinion on openness on using a new assistive technology

The unsupervised usability testing includes 4 tasks that instructed the respondents to test the navigation structure of the major functionality of the application and their assessment. The major functionalities are: listening mode, sound history mode, customization of sound profiles and adding custom sound. Overall, the averages for the tests are:  Task Success – 51.45%, Abandoned/Bounced – 48.55%.

Figure 10. Recording of application interaction of a user while testing the listening mode


Figure 11. Results of the tasks on respondent’s testing on various functionalities of the application


The prototype performed poorly, with nearly half (51.45%) of the participants giving up on the tasks on average. The ease of use score also is low (nearly in the neutral zone) with an average of 5.23 out of 7 on the Likert 7-point Opinion Scale. The captured screen recording of the interactions between the prototype and users has been analyzed and it was determined that the UI seems to confuse most of the users. There were too many options and icons that they tend to click on those icons instead of following the supposed paths. Users have also provided comments on the improvement of the application. One of the older users has commented that he/she finds it difficult to use the interface because of his/her age, another suggested increasing the text size so that it will be easier to read, and another suggesting making the UI bold and easy.

Table 2. Summary of results of the maze tasks including usability metrics


Figure 10. Opinion scales about ease of navigation done after every task


Figure 11. Summary of ease of use for all major functionality of the application

To continue this research, the next iteration will be created based on the results of the first iteration. The second generation of the prototype will then be presented and discussed in person with DHOH users for feedback. Once the third and final prototype is available, the functional/technical document will be created after which, the actual application development will start.

Prototype testing will proceed as follows:


Abeßer, J. (2020). A Review of Deep Learning Based Methods for Acoustic Scene Classification. Applied Sciences, 10(6), 2020.

Bragg, D., Huynh, N., & Ladner, R. E. (2016). A Personalizable Mobile Sound Detector App Design for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Users. Proceedings of the 18th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 3–13.

Findlater, L., Chinh, B., Jain, D., Froehlich, J., Kushalnagar, R., & Lin, A. C. (2019). Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Individuals’ Preferences for Wearable and Mobile Sound Awareness Technologies. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–13.

Jain, D., Mack, K., Amrous, A., Wright, M., Goodman, S., Findlater, L., & Froehlich, J. E. (2020). HomeSound: An Iterative Field Deployment of an In-Home Sound Awareness System for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Users. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12.

Jain, D., Ngo, H., Patel, P., Goodman, S., Findlater, L., & Froehlich, J. (2020). SoundWatch: Exploring Smartwatch-based Deep Learning Approaches to Support Sound Awareness for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users. The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 1–13.

Jain, D., Nguyen, K. H. A., Goodman, S., Grossman-Kahn, R., Ngo, H., & Kusupati, A. (2022). ProtoSound: A Personalized and Scalable Sound Recognition System for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022, 24.

Laput, G., Ahuja, K., Goel, M., & Harrison, C. (2018). Ubicoustics: Plug-and-Play Acoustic Activity Recognition. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 213–224.

Luey, H. S., Glass, L., & Elliott, H. (1995). Hard-of-Hearing or Deaf: Issues of Ears, Language, Culture, and Identity. Social Work.

Matthews, T., Fong, J., Ho-Ching, F. W.-L., & Mankoff, J. (2007). Evaluating non-speech sound visualizations for the deaf. Seventh International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 25(4), 33.

Sandler, M., Howard, A., Zhu, M., Zhmoginov, A., & Chen, L.-C. (2019). MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks. ArXiv:1801.04381 [Cs].

Sicong, L., Zimu, Z., Junzhao, D., Longfei, S., Han, J., & Wang, X. (2017). UbiEar: Bringing Location-independent Sound Awareness to the Hard-of-hearing People with Smartphones. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 1(2), 1–21.

World Health Organization. (2021, April 1). Fact Sheets: Deafness and hearing loss. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from



  1. Survey link (identical copy of the survey that is accessible but results are not monitored) – AEA Iteration 1 Survey
  2. Results of active survey – AEA Iteration 1 Survey Results
  3. Samples of prototype interactions


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