A conversational exploration of co-housing preferences

Premise: A chatbot that helps people find their personal vision towards co-housing. Synopsis: In Europe, home ownership is on a steady decline. Rising costs of living and decreasing wealth-income ratios have resulted in many individuals, especially young people, being caught in a vicious cycle of renting. However, a promising solution is gaining momentum: co-housing. This […]

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Using virtual reality as incentive rewards to keep students engaged with money-saving process which helps them to save money for travelling

Premise: Building an application which assists students to save money for travelling by including virtual reality experiences as incentives to keep them engaged with the money-saving process Synopsis: Travelling is an activity which many people appreciate. It has a number of benefits for well-being of people. Despite that, around half of the population can’t travel […]

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Exploring variables for building a nail design recommender system for women

Premise Using a recommender system to explore what variables to consider when building nail design recommendations (such as color, shape, length, design, or pattern) that will improve the personalized recommender system for women. Synopsis When going to a nail salon, women can choose from a range of different colors and designs. This can lead to […]

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Empowering informed choices hazardous E-numbers

Premise Using a recommender system to help parents with young children make informed decision about their processed food consumption, by providing personalized recommendations based on their dietary preferences and allergies. Synopsis The use of E-numbers in the food industry has been associated with potential health risks, as various studies have demonstrated that not all E-numbers […]

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Encouraging young adults to better understand how their relationship with their environment affects their risks during a flood.

Premise Encouraging young adults to better understand how their relationship with their environment affects their risks during a flood by creating an interactive story with Streamlit and a Recommender System.   Synopsis Residents of the Netherlands are at risk of experiencing coastal and river flooding. If such a situation arises, it is important to take […]

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Using Chatbot to help ADHD Adults Find Personalized Study Strategies

PREMISE Helping adults with ADHD to focus better while studying by suggesting personalized study strategies using chatbot technology. SYNOPSIS ADHD or “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” is a neurodevelopmental disorder, mostly characterized by inattention, impulsivity, lack of motivation, and hyperactivity. Individuals with ADHD are diagnosable from early childhood, but the symptoms last into adulthood in most […]

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How can a recommender system be used to prevent filter bubbles on social media?

Premise Creating a visual recommender system prototype which potentially can help to prevent filter bubbles on social media. Synopsis “If we want to know what the world really looks like, we have to understand how filters shape and skew our view of it.” Pariser, (2011, para.3). This quote perfectly reflects the issue of filter bubbles […]

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A chatbot to encourage self-disclosure

Premise A conversational agent to make students with anxiety feel comfortable to self-disclose.   Synopsis Students with anxiety have a harder time self-disclosing to others. Anxiety can cause individuals to avoid social encounters, expect negative evaluations, and disclose less personal information. On the other hand, self-disclosure is critical for developing an identity, self-worth, and overall […]

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