It is like looking in the mirror

Premise  Seeing someone similar and relatable makes people feel less alone and can lower the threshold for people to join the Ministry of Defense  Synopsis  I always wanted to join the Ministry of Defense, but I felt like there was a threshold and thus I didn’t join Defense.  It interested me that the self-proclaimed male-dominant […]

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A decision support system to improve safety

“Health and Safety occupy a significant place to lead a happy, energetic and progressive lifestyle.” PREMISE A recommendation-based decision support system to help workers safety -safety specialist- and prevent work-related incidents in the industrial work processes SYNOPSIS Work-related injury and fatality have been recognized as a serious public health and safety concern. This problem becomes […]

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PREMISE A different perspective for student counselling  SYNOPSIS Deciding what to study is not easy for young school students. Just the thought of making a decision that will affect them for the rest of their lives makes them uncertain. Therefore, many schools have counseling departments.  Student counseling is defined as an interaction process co-joining the […]

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Speculative Symphonies

Premises An interactive soundscape that makes the influence of the current and future financial economy on our daily lives tangible.  Synopsys This project explores the possibilities to engage with data and veiled financial matter via sound. Worried about the influence of the almost rampant financial system, I embark on a journey to where thoughts and […]

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Take a picture & save marine life

Premise Application processing content created by divers to help with marine species monitoring. Synopsis Every year underwater ecosystems decline, influenced by damages such as climate change, overfishing and pollution. According to UNESCO, more than half of marine species may extinct by the year 2100 (Facts and Figures on Marine Biodiversity | United Nations Educational, Scientific […]

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Emotion detection for self care chatbot

“Accept everything about yourself – I mean everything. You are you, and that is the beginning and the end – no apologies, no regrets. ” ~Clark Moustakas Premise The digitization of mental health and emotions holds opportunities for accessible and ubiquitously available care, e.g., with conversational agents and chatbots. Synopsis This story started from the […]

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PsyKey – A Chatbot Providing Information on Mental Health and Location- based Assistance

“The only journey is the journey within.” – Rainer Maria Rilke PREMISE Exploring how Power tools can be used to create a chatbot that provides users with insights about the mental health statistics, provides first aid therapy and connects them with therapists within their geo-location. SYNOPSIS Mental disorders are one of the leading diseases worldwide […]

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